My journey with God began in one of my darkest seasons. Like many, I turned to Him as a last resort. In 2019, I hit rock bottom. Honestly, I didn’t even want to seek God, but a close friend insisted. He encouraged me to attend adoration every Wednesday, even when I was reluctant. For those unfamiliar, adoration in Catholicism involves prayerful worship before the Eucharist, where Catholics believe Jesus is truly present.
I went along and prayed, often through tears, for two years straight. During this time, I struggled with feelings of loneliness, depression, and confusion. I kept asking, God, where are You? Why aren’t You helping me? It felt like my prayers were unanswered, and I was desperate for change.
Things started to shift in April 2022, when I sensed—perhaps through discernment—that my life was about to improve. By May 2022, it did: I graduated college, got a new job, and, most importantly, my depression began to lift. Looking back, I realize God’s timing and grace were at work, even when I couldn’t see it.
You might wonder how I kept praying during those years when I felt unheard. Honestly, I’m not entirely sure myself. Watching sermons, especially from Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts, kept me motivated. Her messages reminded me that God always answers when we call on Him, even if the answer isn’t immediate.
Even after my circumstances improved, my faith grew gradually. I didn’t renounce everything or suddenly transform overnight. It wasn’t until May 2023 that I felt a strong desire to read the Bible and seek deeper answers about who God is. Sermons and prayer alone weren’t enough—I needed to turn to His Word.
During this time, I faced struggles with sin and idolatry, particularly around worldly possessions like money. But God’s patience with me was incredible. I stumbled often and even rationalized sin, thinking, God will forgive me anyway. Word of advice: never approach grace this way. God’s mercy spared me from the consequences I deserved, but I learned that taking His kindness for granted only harms your relationship with Him.
For a season, I felt incredibly close to God—praying, reading the Bible, and hearing His voice clearly. But when I started pharmacy school, the demands of life caused me to drift. I now pray while driving or before bed, but I know I’m not as intentional with my time. This makes me feel guilty, like a friend constantly putting off someone who deeply cares for them.
If you feel this way too, know that you’re not alone. The beauty of God is His unwavering patience. He’s always ready to welcome you back with open arms.
Building a relationship with God takes time and perseverance. It took me four years to develop a stronger bond, and I’m still at the beginning stages. Faith will be tested repeatedly, and each time you endure, your relationship with God deepens.
My depression taught me to rely on God’s faith, just as Abraham trusted God for a son and Job held onto faith during immense suffering. These examples remind us that seeking the Kingdom of God is a lifelong journey.
There’s no such thing as a perfect Christian. Every season of life is different, but always strive to seek Him—even in your worst moments. Don’t be too hard on yourself when you feel distant from God. He isn’t angry; take a deep breath and try again tomorrow.
The key message is this: your relationship with God is a marathon, not a race. Be patient with yourself, and trust that He is always with you, guiding you every step of the way.
What about you? Have you felt distant from God or struggled to stay consistent in your faith? Remember, it’s never too late to reconnect. Take a moment today to talk to Him, even if it’s just a short prayer. The journey with God isn’t about perfection—it’s about persistence.